Friday 29 July 2016

Come back again.

Since I met my partner , we come back here every year where he grown up.
One of the most beautiful place in the world,
We just make music together whole week.

Such a Bliss !!!!



Norway summer course in 2016

As continuo player, already 3times.
I enjoyed very much this busy week.
Whole day playing for someone, we were so tired, 
but with great confidence, it was much pleasure to work.

What made me so exciting, I got many obligato cembalo piece to play with very good people.
Felt somehow come to life !!!

Thursday 28 July 2016

Sund Tradition

Continuo players concert.

Traditionally we offer a mini concert during summer course.
I performed little Suite by Handel and Forquray with my good friend Torben.

In the old church, sharing wonderful music with wonderful people.
It was just beautiful.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Bliss in the music life

After the concert, what I looking forward......

Open the bottle and enjoy a pleasing fatigue with my sweet partner.

I am just in Bliss.



Sunday 3 July 2016

Viva 1685!

 It was quite special meeting with these people. 

I was exreamly happy, we could trust each other and just made fantastic music together. I will remember these two concerts with a blissfull heart! 

Togetherness makes Music sparkle!

The programm featured the big 3 star composers 
who were born in the same year, incidently.

I appreciated profoundly this lovely opportunity, 
and I am telling for myself, ah thank God, I had not given up my musicianship.
 It will go on, as long as I can, because I love to play and I love to make music!